Pentax K-x, 10-24mm lens @ 14.4mm, 1/50 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100.
“The humanity of the world is maintained only through constant effort. If you learn to grow flowers as a child — if you understand how quickly they die without water — you become a better adult. People think of love as a given. Love is made. Maybe it does come out of nowhere but it can’t support itself here, and it would soon go back there if we let it. To occur at all, festivals, celebrations, civilizations must be constructed; sustained by contribution. The nightmare of this novel is that among its characters nothing is being constructed. The only alternative to inertia, animalism and paranoia is magical thinking. Nothing practical is being done. The curve of humanity bottoms out. From here the only way is up. Where its author sites herself in relation to this understanding is uncertain.”
— M. John Harrison, “Imaginery Reviews” in You Should Come With Me Now